How to Keep Your Therapy Business Sustainable During Economic Uncertainty


During periods of economic uncertainty it is important to create a plan for your therapy business to ensure it is financially viable and you can achieve the income you need.

To help you I have shared my ideas and tips, which helped me to grow my therapy business when I launched it during the recession in 2008. Topics covered in the one-hour video presentation and .pdf download include marketing, finances, prices and more. The ideas are easy to implement within your therapy business, could help you fill your diary, and boost your confidence whilst navigating this time.


This download is suitable for therapists based in the United Kingdom.



A one-hour long video with accompanying .pdf packed with ideas to help keep your therapy business sustainable during economic uncertainty and to help it thrive.

The ideas included helped me to grow my therapy business when I launched it during the recession in 2008. Topics covered include marketing, finances, prices and more. They are easy to implement within your therapy business, could help you fill your diary, and boost your confidence whilst navigating this time.

Once purchased this product will be delivered to you via email with a link to the video presentation and a downloadable pdf.


This download is suitable for therapists based in the United Kingdom.


This link and document is for the use of the purchaser only and must not be reproduced, edited or shared. The contents are owned, produced and copyrighted by Kelly Hainsworth.