From time-to-time we all have periods where we feel ‘stuck’ within our reflexology business.
This can lead us to be unproductive and with low motivation.
Feeling down about your business can have a big impact on your productivity and your ability to reach new clients.
We have all been there, so here are some business tips to get your ‘mojo’ back and get you back on track!
Take time out
If you are suffering from a business slump, it’s crucial to take time out and ditch the negative thoughts that are holding you back.
Plan a whole day off from work to recharge and clear your mind.
During this time think about obstacles which are holding you back, let go of negative thought patterns, and be kind to yourself.
Remind yourself that you are a great reflexologist and start to shift your mindset to a positive one.
When this starts to happen, your mind will begin to feel clearer and the ideas (and excitement) will flow.
When I find myself in the middle of a business slump, I plan time out by myself to totally relax.
For me walking in nature works really well, as soon as I start to relax I can see things clearer and ideas for my business start to develop.
Once you start to clear your mind, it is surprising what wonderful things can happen.
Other activities may work better for you – you may want to spend time relaxing in a bath, enjoy a yoga class or have a day at a spa.
As long as you invest in the time to clear your mind, you will see the results.
Tip: After taking time out to relax and clear your mind, grab a pen and paper and jot down the thoughts you had which were holding you back. Write down what you have learnt and then jot down the positive ideas and goals you would like for your business. Sometimes seeing your thoughts and ideas on paper really helps to focus the mind.
Make a promise
Now you have cleared your mind and you are feeling more positive about your reflexology business, make a promise to yourself to plan time out from work regularly.
It is very easy when running a small business to work long hours and end up feeling drained.
Make a promise to yourself (and put it in your diary) to do something just for you each week.
Think about the things you enjoy, which make you feel great, and put it in your diary as ‘protected’ time.
It may be attending a fitness class, taking part in a treatment swap or simply putting your feet up to watch your favourite soap.
Whatever it is, enjoy it, and don’t feel guilty for doing it!
Taking this precious time out from your business will help to keep the mind clear and stop you from feeling overwhelmed by the tasks you have to do.
And finally… goal setting
For me, when having a ‘slump’ period where I feel stuck, it is crucial to take time out to goal set.
Setting goals reminds us why we started our business and what we want to achieve.
For some it may be earning enough money to go on a family holiday, and for others it may be achieving 10 clients a week.
Goal setting is very personal, but crucial to getting out of a slump and becoming refocused.
Check out my blog post on goal setting if you would like more help with this.
Share with me
These are the main tips which help me when I’m having a ‘slump’ – I would love to hear what helps you:
- What helps you regain your mojo?
- What inspires you to keep going?
- How do you stay focused and disciplined?
Let me know in the comment box below, and we can support each other to get moving and achieve everything we hope to with our businesses.
Kelly x
talking to other therapists
do and try something new a new course a new skill
book a reflexology from a totally new therapist and this reminds me why i love it so much.
get moving, upgrade your treatments and offers
buy new balm , new towels, new tunic
volunteer at a hospice
Super ideas Linda, thank you so much for sharing them. I love your suggestions to upgrade your treatments with new balm, towels and uniform.
Each week I meet a business buddy for a coffee, we usually natter about ourselves, family etc before getting on to talking about work. When we talk work we highlight issues we’re dealing with, sometimes a fresh pair of eyes are all you need. Although this is not really ‘me’ time it’s still linked with business I really look forward to catching up with a friend, enjoying coffee (sometimes a scone) and having some freedom.
Thank you for sharing Rachel, it’s great you have this time planned in your diary each week. The addition of a scone sounds great too 😉
Definitely talking to and meeting up with other therapists. It helps me feel less isolated and you can get support and other ideas on how to grow your business from other people. Treatment swaps always help me remember how much I love this therapy too!
Thank you Layla, connecting with fellow therapists to share experiences, advice and tips is a great way to get the creative thoughts flowing.
A lovely blog article Kelly. Something that works for me, and the advice I give my students and the therapists I mentor, is to give a freebie (or two). I find that nothing gets the ‘flow’ going better than ‘doing’! ‘Tricking’ yourself in to being ‘busy’ with clients has a very positive outcome. While you may have to do a session or two that brings in NO money, this quickly becomes bookings that DO. Happy foot rubbing to all. xxxx
Thank you for your lovely comment about the blog and for sharing what also works well for you too 🙂