Exams: How to Support Your Child

pencils in a cup

Many of my reflexology clients have asked me for advice on how to keep their children relaxed during the upcoming exams season. It’s important, that as parents and carers, we can support them during this time to help keep their stress at a manageable level.

My top tips for the exam season are:

  1. Schedule breaks. When agreeing a revision timetable for your child, it’s just as important to set aside time for your child to unwind and participate in activities they enjoy. This could be playing football, dancing, or having a friend over for tea. Scheduling regular breaks will help to motivate them and keep stress levels low.
  2. Help them to sleep well. Always get them to stop studying an hour before bedtime, to allow their mind to calm (this includes logging off from technology too); otherwise their mind will be too busy for sleep.
  3. Use Meditation Apps – GCSE & A-Level students may find apps such as Insight Timer and Headspace helpful to switch off after a busy day of exams and revision. These are great apps for parents and carers to use too!
  4. Add relaxation to the bedtime routine. Once studying is over, a soothing bath is the perfect way to relax and unwind. For younger children run a bath for them with lots of bubbles, play relaxing music, or read with them – something funny and light-hearted to make them have a good giggle (great for younger children taking SATs exams). For GCSE & A-Level students a calming bath with their favourite products and even some relaxing candles can work wonders to help them unwind.
  5. Listen. Spend time to listen to your child’s worries. Lots of reassurance and hugs at this time will help them to relax and feel less stressed.
  6. Plan. Plan something fun for when the exams are over. This can be used to celebrate their hard work and recognise the effort they’ve put in. This is important for children of all ages.
  7. Avoid sugar. Try to avoid sugary foods before bedtime. These will not help your child to relax. A soothing warm bedtime milk or hot chocolate made with cacao could work wonders.
  8. Be positive. Don’t use negative language in front of your child with words such as ‘pass’ or ‘fail’. Celebrate and praise them for their hard work and effort instead.
  9. Exam time. Make sure your child turns up to school in plenty of time, so they don’t feel hurried and stressed. Give them lots of encouragement before school and make sure they have a good breakfast to give them lots of energy.
  10. Look after you too – Exam season can be stressful for parents and carers too, so make sure you look after your well-being. Ideas may include enjoying a walk with a friend, booking a reflexology treatment, using a meditation app, or spending time in the garden in nature.

Good luck everyone – remember you are fab!

Kelly x

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