Why It’s Okay to Go Slow in January

Cup of coffee on bed

If you use social media, watch TV, and listen to the radio you will have probably been bombarded with adverts, or various experts encouraging you to set goals, start a new diet, join a gym, and create a new you! 

I know my Instagram feed has been full of suggestions for me to try, to create a better me!

However, the period after Christmas during the darker, colder days is a time to rest and recuperate, especially if you have enjoyed a busy festive period.

A number of my reflexology clients have shared with me, they are feeling low on energy and simply want to hibernate.

These feelings are common at this time of year as traditionally the winter would have been a period of rest, a slower pace and rejuvenation before spring arrived.

However, modern life goes against this seasonal rhythm with pressures to be busy and try new things, even when our body is craving a slower pace.

So, why not try a new way this year and embrace a slower, gentler pace to truly recharge before the busy year ahead.

A gentle pace will encourage you to prioritise sleep, cook nutritious food, walk in the winter sun to improve your mood, and spend time with your loved ones.

If you want to make changes this year, going slow in January will give you the energy you need to make a start and to go for your goals!

I will certainly be adopting this approach this year; will you be joining me? 

Who knows this intentional slowness could be the secret to a magnificent year ahead!


If you are concerned about your health, please always consult your GP in the first instance.

2 thoughts on “Why It’s Okay to Go Slow in January

  1. Muriel Russell Reply

    I totally agree with you Kelly! High expectations at this time of year just lead us to feel we are not enough, when in fact we ARE enough, and this time of year we can nurture the feeling of being enough and focusing on slow movements, warmth and nurturing our beautiful selves. Thanks for the post.

    • Kelly Hainsworth Post authorReply

      Thank you for taking the time to comment Muriel. I agree, January can impose a great deal of pressure on everyone and it is okay to take it slower this month and to recharge for the busy months ahead. You only have to look at nature for inspiration. Everything is asleep, preparing to grow and bloom over the coming months, may be we should do this too?

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